Anna Giovannelli (1963), Architect, PhD in Composition, Architecture and City Planning, Milan Polytechnic in 1999.
She teaches both Architectural Design and Interiors in the Faculty of Architecture in Rome, Sapienza.
As a lecturer she taught in several International Workshop of Architectural and Urban Design related to the themes of the redevelopment project of significant urban contexts, both in the historical and contemporary city (LIPAU Milan Polytechnic 1993-2004; Premio Piranesi International Workshop at Villa Adriana, run by Milan Polytechnic and Penn State University in Rome 2004-2006; Seminario Internacional de Arquitectura FAULT in Lisbon, 2008. Piacenza OC_Summer school 2010, International Wokshop Architecture for Archaeology. Cultural heritage enhancement and design, Rome, 2015-2016)
Research activity
She carries out scientific research and participates as coordinator and member in the university research projects:
- On the Discipline of architectural design: as architectural design teacher works on the exercise of the project as a theoretical practice, with emphasis on the reasons and methods for the study of the architectural organism: from the analysis of diagrammatic form, structure, figures and languages, space, light and interiors, to the study of the primary architectural components such surfaces, volumes and elements.
- On Reuse: this research field, started with the interiors, has also explored the different scales of architectural design, from the building scale to the addition of the existing forms, to push the boundaries of fences between buildings to explore the themes of regeneration of areas included among infrastructure segments and abandoned buildings. The research topic interweaves the experience of handling project hired as the crossing of the existing process to investigate its transformative potential.
- On Heritage: the ancient and the contemporary city: scientific experience within the Master of Architecture for Archaeology, she works on the theme of archaeology project and the open spaces.
She has published a number of works on modern and contemporary architectural design, among which are:
- Abitare la casa dell’uomo. Paesaggi domestici, in (a cura di) A. Criconia, Lina Bo Bardi. Un’architettura tra Italia e Brasile, Milano, 2017
- Attualità della villa ideale. Dal diagramma Dom-ino allo spazio figurativo, in Per Le Corbusier. Corbu dopo Corbu 2015/1965. Quodlibet, 2016
- Esercizi di riuso dell'architettura, Roma, 2012,
- 1992. Barcellona Olimpica, in Città e Olimpiadi, Roma, 2011
- Mutazioni interne ai corpi urbani, Mutations within Urban Bodies, in DIID. Roma, 2010
- In Between, in Interior Wor(L)ds*, Torino, 2010
- Riscoprire gli interni perduti: un itinerario progettuale negli spazi della GIL di Moretti a Trastevere, in Luigi Moretti e la Casa della GIL a Trastevere. Lo spazio ritrovato, Roma, 2010,.
- I forti militari, luoghi del progetto. Esperienze a confronto, in Operare i Forti, Roma, 2009,
- Laboratori di architettura: conoscenza e pratica del progetto. Milano, 2008