Liquid Strips
10 projects of Mixite on the riverfront of Pittsburgh

Saggio: FitzGibbon Studio IV

Antonino Saggio
FitzGibbon Visiting Professor Chair
Department of Architecture

ext: 81963 mm204a

Program presentation
by Friday September 28

This is a presentation that will cover the basic programmatic issues of your project. It is on one side the strategic basis of your project, on the other side it is an assignment that starts to spell out figures and strategies.

Requirements by Friday

Part A. Area
1. Define in a map the boundaries of your project area.
Calculate its surface in acres as well as in square foot.
Define possible densities (built square foot by area square foot) seeing comparable in Pittsburgh or city planning regulations .

2. Have pictures of  your specific area both enlarged aerial pictures as well as in site pictures, in particularl of existing structures and boundaries.

3. Prepare larger maps at 1"/100 and (optional) basic model of the site and its immediate surroundings.

4. Describe the specificity of the area for your point of view, as well as the opportunity that specific area will represent for the Program.

Part B. Program

1. Program Statement.
In a well structured and elegant half page describe your "world" (program).
What is its basic goal, how it is connected to the strength of Pittsburgh, what is its main driving force, how it will work and interact with the different aspects of Pittsburgh, how your world will fit and enhance the general process towards the transformation into an Information city ..

2. Find a strong an evocative name for your world/program.

3. Have an expert share with you "the basic" direction and intention of your program. This expert will act as a client and a point of reference in the progression of the design.

4. Present in depth your driving force. For example if it is housing specify the different type of housing yof your progam and why and how they support each other.
Find for your driving force at least 5 different specifications and write a basic percentage for each.

5. Describe in a single paragraph any other subsequent functionand specify how it will reinforce and integrate the driving force. What type of Exchange, Creating ect. can be considered logic to reinforce your world

Li = Living RED
Ex = Exchanging YELLOW gold
Cr = Creating ORANGE
Re = Rebuilding nature VIOLET
In = Infrastracturing BLU

Find for each one "at least" 2 subcategories,

6. Draw a graph a pie chart with colors and percentage that will make evident the characteristic of your program.
7. Find at least two projects that are in substantial ways similar to what you are proposing, possibly from the architect that you have studied in the previous week. Study the project with attention both in terms of general principles and program requirements.
Present everything from your web page, with a few reinforcing prints for the most important parts.

This is a formal presentation indispensable to move to the next phase.


Oct 1 Lecture and desk crits: produce in mdoel and diagram 2 hypothesis  centered on the tecnique of texture and urban scene. Try to think of the overall strategie the project will follow concerning several issue you have been focussing on-

October 3 two options based on Oct 1 lecture

October 5 selection and refinement

October 8 desk crits refinements

October 10 Presentation