La Rivoluzione Informatica/ It Revolution In Architecture

Antonino Saggio Home

Christian Pongratz / Maria Rita Perbellini, Natural Born CAADesigners, Young American Architects, Birkhäuser, Basilea 2000 e Nati con il computer, Giovani architetti americani,Testo&Immagine, Torino 2000

Preface / Introduzione "Interactivty, Interattivita'" di AS

In the USA the generation of 30-40 year old architects has a number of remarkable achievements to show for itself. Although this generation encompasses a broad spectrum of architectural genres, it is clear that there is one common factor which differentiates them from the previous generation: they were literally born with the computer. This book reports on how this new tool has influenced and affected the quality of designing, looking at the most interesting protagonists of the electronic generation together with their most important projects.

The authors live in New York and are themselves active in this field.


La collana/The book Series

La Rivoluzione Informatica/ It Revolution In Architecture