La Rivoluzione Informatica/ It Revolution In Architecture

Antonino Saggio Home

Ian+ Digital Odyssey. A new Voyage in the Mediterranean, Birkhäuser, Basilea
2004 e TOdissea Digitale, Un Nuovo Viaggio nella mediterraneità,Testo&Immagine, Torino 200$

Preface dy Antonino Saggio  "MAre Nostrum"

The young digital architects of the Mediterranean countries leave the legacy of classical architecture and move on to radical new beginnings.
Following on from the successful book ”Natural Born CAADesigners: Young American Architects”, this book takes a look at the most recent architectonic developments in the Mediterranean countries, where architects have up to now been strongly influenced by the archaeologically significant environment and their classical architectural inheritance. How do young architects in Italy, France, Spain and Greece react to the new digital age? The electronic tools give them the chance to free themselves from the burden of tradition, to explore fascinating opportunities in their architecture. This book provides a colourful and concise overview of their work, using previously unpublished material.

The team IAN+ was formed in 1997 in Rome by Carmelo Baglivo, Luca Galofaro and Stefania Manna.

read preface by a. Saggio "Mare Nostrum"  Italian  | English

Dimitri Papalexopoulos iannis Papalexopoulou coll. A. Stavridou A: Kouveli, K. Malama right
 Electric Shadow
Moreno Santamaria Ephemeral Structures in Atene

Giovanni D'Ambrosio

Cero 9


Francois Roche R&Sie

Eduardo Arroyo

Cloud 9

Bernard Khoury

Ian +

La collana/The book Series

La Rivoluzione Informatica/ It Revolution In Architecture