Research Key Words: Information Technology and Architecture, Low rise High density Housing, CoHousing, Inner City Infrrastructures, History criticism Italian Rationalism, American Architecture, Teaching design methods
Saggio has developed three major fields of research. The first deals with the relations between Information Technology and Architecture. The second concerns with the study of contemporary architecture, particularly with Italian Rationalism. The third deals with urban and architectural design. He studied and applied Low-rise High-density housing solutions in the inner city, new strategies for new households and in the last years developed complex urban projects that are based on a multitasking approach to create a new type of ecological infrastructures for the inner city. Three projects are under development: Urban Green Line and Tevere cavo in Rome, Cultural Coastal Train in Sicily
In the field of Information Technology and Architecture Saggio fiunded and edited the book series "The IT Revolution In Architecture" published in English by Birkhäuser, in Chinese by Prominence and in Italian by Testo&Immagine (until 2004) and now by Edilstampa. Todate the book series has published 38 titles and represents an important asset in the foundation of a new digital culture in architecture. Saggio has written essays and introductions within this book series in Exhibition catalogues, and in Conference proceedings (Acadia, Caad Futures, Docomomo and others) and the book Introduzione alla Rivoluzione informatica in architettura (Carocci 2010 traslated in English in 2010).
In the filed of Contemporary architecture Saggio has authored several books, among which: Giuseppe Terragni Life and Works (Laterza, 1995 2004), Peter Eisenman. and Frank O. Gehry (Testo&Immagine 1996 e 1997) Architettura e Modernità Dal Bauhaus alla Rivoluzione Informatica. His editorial activity comprehend the co-foundation of the magazine "Il Progetto" the direction of the section "The Architects" after the death of Bruno Zevi. He has written for many magazines of architecture and culture in Italy and abroad ("Architectural Design", "Architese", "Jae" "Op. Cit.", "Domus", "Costruire" and others).
In the field of urban and architectural design he published Louis Sauer, An American Architect (Officina 1988 and in English in 2012) and lately he curated a monographic issue of "L'Arca" international (March 2012) dedicated to the "Urban Green Line an Ecological infrastructure for Rome between Past and Future", In the first phase of his career he partecipated to design competions, and one of his construction co authored with L. Franciosini is in the Guide of Italian architecture (Zanichelli 1990)
Prof. Saggio holds a professional degree in Architecture (1979) and a diploma of Planning from the University of Rome La Sapienza. He has a Master of Science from Carnegie-Mellon and a PhD from the Italian Ministry of research. He taught in several universities in Europe, Africa and the United States, in particular at Carnegie-Mellon University-Pittsburgh, GhK-Kassel and at Eth-Zurich. He lectured in many major cities in Europa and North America. In the first phase of his career, Saggio won awards in design competitions and academic research grants from institutions such as the Fulbright Commission, the Graham Foundation and the Council of Italian Research. In 2003 he founded the resaearch group which deals transdisciplinary in the relationship between Design and Information Technology,
Saggio's web site that is a hub of architectural debate in Italy and one of the most visited of the University La Sapienza . He currently holds the chair of "Architecture and Information Technolgy" at the School of Architecture of University of Rome La Sapienza.
Saggio has been the coordinator of the PhD Course in Architecture design and Theory from 11/2011 to 2/2018.
Bibliography | WebSite | 2011-2018 PhD report |